Tuesday 8 October 2013

You are adequate and anything is possible.

"How often - even before we began - have we declared a task "impossible"? And how often have we constructed a picture of ourselves as being inadequate?...A great deal depends upon the thought patterns we choose and on the persistence with which we affirm them"
- Piero Ferruci

Hm...how easily this becomes common. It is at the heart of so many things really...and is usually created by resistance in the first place. I realise that I often talk about these things - resistance, doubt, fear, uncertainty - but I think that is because it so often comes hand in hand with living a creative life and becoming conscious of the mind itself. It doesn't mean that it has to be debilitating or even a negative thing. When we allow ourselves to be completely present in these moments and witness these thoughts as an observer (rather than as the role of victim) then these moments can actually become powerful tools for changing and evolving, for seeing and acting on truth. What makes a task impossible? What makes a person inadequate? Funny how easily we can convince ourselves that this is truth.

And let's face it...it's pretty damn hard to turn up and be totally present (in any situation) if you are feeling like this. Whether it is in life or in front of the canvas. Often for me this starts taking on the form of ridiculous excuses - "oh, I can't apply for that grant because I don't have the right such and such..", "I can't ask to put my work there because I need to fix my website first...", "I can't write a blogpost because I've been so *insert excuse*" .... 

Today I decided that for this week (or month!) I'm going to focus on acting with commitment and dedication in all moments - even when I don't feel like it. Not an unfamiliar focus for me, but still so needed. I'm the kind of person who usually dislikes too much 'structure' and prefer letting my days be flexible and open, but I am also realising yet again how much freedom can come from having a little more structure and a-hm, yes, self-discipline (also not my strong point!). A huge part of this commitment is also the commitment to affirm that I am totally adequate and anything is possible. What would your day look like if you accepted this affirmation as truth? What if this affirmation was chosen with persistence rather than choosing to affirm a belief of inadequacy and the "impossible"? What if we choose to simply e.n.j.o.y BEing, following intuition with commitment and dedication, and allow the rest to unfold naturally?

And speaking of choosing to simply enJOY, I am also particularly grateful for the very sweet reminder of the importance of PLAY my nephews and niece offered me during a collaborative painting afternoon...nothing at all like painting with children to be reminded how to let go, be brave, PLAY and have FUN. I have to say it was the ultimate lesson in letting go when I gave them a canvas I'd been working on for months (even if I was totally unhappy with how it was!). And they totally gave me a whole new beginning point and my nephew even added in diamonds.....*love*!

It is interesting how 'serious' everything can begin to seem when feelings of inadequacy and the "everything is impossible" blues take over. The little perfectionist in me has a way of taking over when this happens and suddenly it seems imperative to be in control and to ensure everything "works out"....and god forbid a painting doesn't turn out well? So this reminder to PLAY, is a pretty important one. In thinking about this new focus of commitment and dedication too - life doesn't actually have to be so serious and perfect and controlled...in fact, think about the times you have felt the happiest and most alive - What were you doing?  How did you feel about yourself in that moment? What words describe that time? Can you make a commitment to make more time for those things that bring you to life most? You are adequate and anything is possible.

Ok, well I think I'm gonna call it a night here, and cross my fingers that whatever  I've typed makes sense as my eyes are starting to close...but I'll leave you here with this quote:

"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost" - Martha Graham.

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