Monday 8 July 2013

How of the mind...

Ok, with a second cup of chai in hand...I'm here.

I wonder - how has your week been? I wonder - have you ever had so many ideas...ridiculously big ideas...that just overwhelm with conviction? This is where I am coming from today. It's exciting but scary and daunting all at the same time. It is slightly funny though, after writing last week about how I felt that I need to let go of the need to know where I'm going and what it is I'm working toward. I am still sticking to this, and I still don't know but I do feel that I'm beginning to really live the questions - and that in this place conviction can begin to take root and be realised through action. When we ask those questions that are stirred deeply and intuitively, they kind of demand a response - almost like they what are you going to do?! An idea that was suggested at the conference I was at over the weekend comes to mind: When considering the questions of "HOW?", rather than seeing this question in relation to organisational strategy, considering "How of the mind? How the mind encounters reality?" What happens if this is the objective? 

I wonder also, what it would look like if everyone followed their convictions? What would that look like for humanity? What would it look like if you lived your questions, and responded courageously with intuition? I imagine that our existence would look rather different if there had never been people willing to do this. So whatever it is you feel yourself being pulled toward, whatever questions might be rising, whatever convictions are taking hold... know these are all part of your beautiful path and they are waiting for you to listen - the fear of looking ridiculous or that you might be making a mistake is hopefully outweighed by these! I'm looking forward to sharing some of these new ideas with you (as soon as I can!) but for now I hope these few words and quotes will help you pursue whatever ideas are waiting to grow along your own path, wherever you might be. How of the mind - how does your mind encounter your reality? 

(borrowed from Do What You Love)


Mychelle said...

Mem, LOVE!
You inspire me to leave the fear alone to its own doings and for me to just get on with living true in each moment...xxxxx

Mem said...

Thank you so much Mychelle! I SO do hope you find faith in all your beautiful possibilities... only good could ever come from that! ;-) love to you! xx